Traum vom kleinen alten Mann               Frühjahr 2001

Ich war bei uns in Garten und war mit Kleinigkeiten beschäftigt. Richard war auch dabei und dann saßen wir aus irgendeinem Grund auf einem Zaunpfahl, drüben auf dem Hof. Plötzlich kam ein Wägelchen auf Schienen herangefahren. Ich setzte mich hinein, denn es war ja direkt zu mir gekommen. Das Wägelchen brachte mich zu einer Tür.

Bei der Tür wartete ein kleines altes Männchen und es sagte mir, diese gehöre zu einem Aufzug und der fuhr in eine andere Welt. Der Aufzug erschien nur dann, wenn man die gleiche Handlung fünf mal wiederholte.  Das hatte ich getan -ohne es zu merken- indem ich auf dem Zaunpfahl saß und das wohl also fünf mal. Daher öffnete sich die Tür jetzt gerade und für mich. Ich hatte aber Angst und entschied mich nicht schnell genug hinein zu gehen. Bevor ich es wusste, war die Tür wieder zu und die Chance verpasst. Enttäuscht von mir selber, ging ich wieder weg. Ich beschloss noch einmal etwas fünfmal zu wiederholen, aber so funktionierte es nicht. Es musste zufällig geschehen. So einfach wollte ich aber nicht aufgeben und ging wieder zu der Tür um mit dem kleinen alten Männchen zu reden, vielleicht könnte ich ja doch noch hinein. Er sagte daraufhin, er könne eine Ausnahme machen und schon öffnete sich die Tür. Dieses Mal zögerte ich nicht und trat ein. Ich befand mich in einer Art Ruheraum. Der Boden bewegte sich, aber war ganz weich und es lagen Decken und Kissen umher. Ich legte mich hin und ruhte mich ein wenig aus. Danach war ich plötzlich draußen. Vor mir war eine runde Scheibe aus Kupfer die sich langsam drehte. Ich wollte sehr gerne auf dieser Scheibe sitzen während sie sich dreht, aber sobald ich näher kam um darauf zu springe drehte sie sich schneller und es war so sehr schwierig zu springen. Ich tat es dann aber doch und in dem Moment in dem ich auf der Scheibe landete stand sie still. Es war dann auch keine Scheibe mehr, sonder eine große Schale. Mit mir in der Schale saß ein Mann der angezogen war wie ein Afrika-Forscher der Kolonialzeit, ganz in Kaki und mit Hut, er sah aus wie der Schauspieler Robin Williams. Er war sehr freundlich und sagte ich müsse unbedingt ein bestimmtes Wasser  trinken, welches aus einem bestimmten Fluss in Afrika stammte. Er hatte auch eine kleine Schale die er mir reichte, darin war allerdings kein Wasser sondern eine Art Haferbrei. Ich probierte den Brei und obwohl er nach gar nichts schmeckte, schmeckte er hervorragend! Plötzlich erschien das kleine alte Männchen wieder, sagte es sei nun genug, klatschte in die Hände und ich wachte auf.


       Flight AM (Amanda/Mary)            07.05.2002

I dreamt that Amanda, Brett and some other people were visiting me. I cant remember the details very well, I just know that we were here in Lewenhagen and that it looked different than usually. Adam was there, too, but I can not remember what he was doing. Later on Richard phoned that he wanted to come, too and I assumed that he was thinking of coming that night. I was a bit worried if there would be a room for him, as there were so many people staying already and what my mother would think. He phoned again and I think that he arrived, too, but I have no idea what he was up to. Then we were in Seattle, or at least in the States. We were in Bretts and Amandas flat, and at the same time in a bus, there were many more people. I was sitting on either Bretts or Amandas bed, and I did not wear any shoes. My foot was bleeding and the bedcover had bloodstains. I was worried about that and did not know what to do with it. However there was a blond girl which offered that she could take it home and wash it for me, I was relived. There was a big show of some kind going on, to where we went. It was outside, and there were cheerleaders and such. I think it might have been an air show. I was going back to the house to prepare myself for an event later in the evening, and I think it was then that Richard, Adam and maybe even Melanie were there, too.

Next thing I remember was that Amanda and me were sitting in a plane, the others were there, too, but they were in the background. We were flying over a bare landscape, a desert with big mountains, brown-red, boulders. The plane was having difficulties flying past them, the mountains seemed to have a force of attraction towards the plane (like in movies about space, when rockets are drawn to the stars by gravity ). I can still see the picture incredibly clear, we were looking out of the window, and the tip of the wing kept touching lightly those big, red boulders. Even though it was so dangerous, it was so beautiful. I  recall Amanda and me looking out of the window and talking about what we saw, we were not exactly scared. However the plane kept touching  the mountains and  we did now start to become a little scared. I was saying that this was probably the most dangerous situation I have ever been in, but again it did not really feel like it. It was more a rational conclusion than the feeling of fear. As the mountain range was continuing endlessly, the pilot decided to fly back, he simply turned round and we went down. Then I was seeing the plane from the outside, it was like a toy, coming down and crashing, but lightly. I could hear the voice of the pilot saying: `Oops, did not intend to do it like that!` and I realized that none of us was hurt, as we were not really in the plane anymore.

There was another celebration going on first in the desert and then there was a scene where all those classmates of Amanda marching through streets, they were waving at me. We were dressing up for the evening again, I think Amanda had already gone out. I wanted to wear the fur of my grandmother and a grey dress, it looked really good. Brett said however, I should not wear the fur, I think because it was my grandmothers and not mine. I was a bit offended,  as by now it  really is mine and so I decided to wear it anyway.


       Humpty Dumpty              25.11.2002

 I was at my Dads house in Brandenburg. I was not in a very good state of mind, rather unsure and scared.  It was a big farm and I was rushing from one place to another, talking to people, doing little jobs for my Dad. Then I spoke to an old man, I cant remember any details, but that he was in a small, dark room and that he looked like a gnome, maybe he worked for my Dad. He was nice however, the meeting seemed quite meaningful. The next person I met, was another man in another small room. He was very round and looked like an egg. After a while I figured out, that he was Humpty Dumpty! While I was looking at him I saw, that he was lifted up into the air and then hovering about 20 cm over the ground. I was amazed ( thinking nobody would believe me ) and saw it as a sign for great enlightenment. We started talking while he put some clothes off. I saw that he had bandages around his lap, they were dirty and bloody. I did not want to see it, thinking a man of his dignity should not show things like that to a girl. But he was so incredible friendly and meek. We kept talking and when I left, I paid him my respect. He asked me why I was treating him like that and I answered, that he was after all Humpty Dumpty! Or I said, that the reason for my respect was, that he was enlightened. When I said that, he smiled at me and said: `No, Mary, you are that!` Then I must have left to go and find my Dad. He was marking trees in the forest and I could hear him calling, but not see him. He was in a stand of very young pine and for some reason it was very dark. The ground was quite steep and the sections of the forest were divided by walls or big halls. The feeling was as if I was heading down into an Underworld, although it was not the underworld. Again there were some workers, I asked them in which part of the forest my dad was working, even though I had been there before and I should have known. Then there was Frau Lehmann. Now instead of my Dad, she seemed to be the  boss of the farm and those men. They were worried, they had done something wrong and other people were giving them trouble, too.  Now Frau Lehmann needed to fix the problem. However with her appearance, everything seemed to be OK. The last scene I remember was a young girl with a young horse. It was my horse, back and white spotted like a cow. She was training the horse and I was happy about that, as I needed to go away for a while.

      Walhalla               Ende 2002

I dreamt that  I was somewhere with my cousin, I was a little bit ill. My Cousin and I were talking about a journey we had made together and he said that I took an extra-root. I replied, that it was not too far out and that that was because of Jim. M my Cousins ex-girlfriend appeared, a girl with a bad character. I was getting more ill, and fainted. She started feeding me grapes, which would have suffocated me if I would not have spit the grapes out. All of that happened under my favourite tree in  the garden. Suddenly something happened, I must have been taken up into the air, and there I was with another being. It took me flying high and into different spheres. It would not tell me what it was, but it was friendly and funny. I kept asking and came to the conclusion that it was a wish or a dream. We were flying around and the land below us was divided by lines, just like in my artwork. Then it took me to my father, who was sitting in the library and drinking wine. I was invisible, and  my friend too. I considered to drink some wine with my dad, but decided against it, because I felt that the wine would make me feel heavy and disrupt my flying skills. Me and my friend –the being-  left and were flying over a big hall, I think it was telling me, that it would take me to a place where I would find out what was happening, the origins of it all. We landed and walked through the hall, all kinds of strange creatures where walking around, I felt like in the film Star Wars. We where walking through this gate and these big monster-like creatures where walking by, my friend told me not to look at them, because ` If you do they might crush you`. We came to a desk where this  elder man was operating, he was just busy with a silly couple, stereotype good looking people  a bit like Barbie and Ken. Ken complained about the clothes he  was giving and the old man replied, that he turned him (Ken) into an angle, as wished, and in order for that to happen he had to wear those clothes. The old man was god.


       The Artists in the Air             Anfang 2003

I was in the US and I was driving somewhere in my car. I had to go to a certain place, but I don’t know why. It was a busy road, stop and go with many traffic lights. While I was driving, I did something, like writing or so, but suddenly my attention was taken by something that happened in a tall house nearby. On the top floor there where a lot of people in fancy dresses in the windows, most of them where dressed up as animals, fantastic costumes. They where cheering and waving at the people on the ground, and then they did something what looked like they where leaping out of the windows. I though, " No, you are going to die!". Then I saw that whenever somebody jumped, the next one caught their feet and hold on to them, so the person did not fall. Then the person who grabbed the feet of the one before, would leap out too, just to be caught by the next one. That went on, till there was a long chain of dressed up people hanging out of the window, till they almost reached the ground! There was one guy dressed up as a kind of bird with big wings leaping out too, he however, simply flew down to the ground, it was amazing. I came to the conclusion that they where acrobats, performing those amazing trick for whoever saw them. Next scene was Amanda and I, eating, I think we were on a plane. We were very hungry and I could not stop, I was trying to tell her a story, ( I think about the fancy dress acrobats), but I was chewing and there was something else happening that distracted me, therefore I think, I did not manage to get to the end of the story. Then I was in a house with the family of a woman who knows my family for 60 years. It was a kind of family feast and when I left, I realized that one of my shoes were missing, it was a red trainer with white stripes. I was looking for it and then found the shoe, but now it was white with red stripes. I remembered that I had a pair each and then I looked down to my feet and saw that I was wearing one of each pair. I went looking for the missing two and  had found them shortly after so now I had  all 4 shoes and then left. I was heading for a flat in Amandas neighbour-hood, I remember passing Malden avenue, but I got lost. I walked up the stairs into a house, because in order to get to that flat I had to go through other flats. However it was a bit scary, as I was followed by someone and because the people who lived in that house were not suppose to know that I was there. In the end I think,  I managed not to be noticed and to escape from that other person, even thought I can not  remember arriving at my destination. In a later dream I was in Berlin. I was telling my cousin about that dream, when it turned out that she was ill. She asked me if I could cover for her in work. I was quite excited, as I thought working in Berlin would include meeting lots of people, but it turned out that it was a  job where I was completely by myself. I was a bit disappointed about that.


  Treppe unter das Meer                  18.11.2004

Ich träumte, ich war auf einer sehr, sehr schmalen Treppe. Ich sagte zu jemanden: Ich habe das schon mal erlebt ( Schwalbennest ) allerdings waren dieses Mal die Treppenstufen noch schmaler, schmaler als ein Fuß breit und die Treppe verlief unter Wasser und führte immer weiter in die Tiefe. Gleich war die Angst da und das Gefühl, was es mir fast unmöglich machte mich zu bewegen. Es war schwer unter Wasser zu sein, aber dann kam mir ein kleiner Delphin zur Hilfe. Eigentlich half er mir nicht, sondern er war nur mit mir und schmiegte sich an. Er war so klein wie eine Forelle und ganz weich wie aus Stoff. Ich glaube er war bis zum ersten Treppenabsatz bei mir. Dann war da eine Frau die mir erklärte, wie man hier zurecht kommen konnte. Das ganze Gebäude oder was es war, war wie ein Treppenhaus aufgebaut und auf den Treppenabsätzen war man nicht im Wasser. Es gab wohl zwei Abschnitte auf dem Weg nach unten, man mußte sich an dem Geländer festhalten und konnte sich daran nach unten ziehen. Die Frau sagte, wenn man sich schnell und gleichmäßig nach unten ziehen würde, würde das Meer oder der Raum ´wie ein großer schwarzer Block´ auf einen zukommen. Ich fand die Vorstellung allerdings nicht so erhellend wie sie es offenbar sah. Ich hatte mich auch schon so nach unten gehangelt, entweder intuitiv oder weil es mir schon gesagt/gezeigt worden war. Wenn man einen Abschnitt hinter sich hatte, hatte man eine Pause an der Luft, in der man sich auch außerhalb des Treppenhauses frei bewegen konnte, obwohl man noch auf dem Weg nach unten war. Die ganze Sache schien mir wichtig und richtig obwohl beängstigend und scheinbar für mich erst mal nicht so erstrebenswert.  Aber irgendeinen wichtigen Sinne hatte es eben offenbar doch. Später waren wir am Strand. Dort war aber wieder der rumänische Straßenmusiker und seine Familie. Ich beachtete ihn nicht und ging schnell ins Wasser. Dann war ich in einer Art Eßsaal. Dort erzählte ich der Frau von meinen Träumen. Ich hatte von der Treppe geträumt und dann war dort wieder die Treppe. Ich hatte auch ( tatsächlich, in der Nacht davor ) von dem Straßenmusiker geträumt und dann war er am Strand und noch eine weitere Sache hatte sich wiederholt. Ich hielt daher die Träume und die Situation ( also den Traum ) für sehr bedeutungsvoll.